
establishing local-based canine hydrotherapy since 2021.

Welcome to Dog House Hydro!

Our story starts back in 2017 when the realisation for local-based rehabilitation was limited within our local community of Geelong.
Our assistant manager Tavia was just over a year old when she injured her shoulder playing at the park. She was taken to a Veterinarian Chiropractor within our hometown, and after a couple of sessions of acupuncture, she was recommended to try some wading in the water (hydrotherapy).
Natalie, almost about to qualify in Veterinary Nursing, searched high and low for a canine hydrotherapy center to take her beloved dog, but had no success. It was the middle of winter, and the idea of going into freezing cold beach water didn’t appeal to either Nat or Tavia.

We soon grasped that the Greater Geelong region, which has one of the largest animal populations of any other Victorian town, had very little supply of rehabilitation within the veterinary industry. After completing her Certificate in Canine Hydrotherapy in the middle of 2019, Nat’s idea around Dog House Hydro began.
Due to the Corona Virus, there were some setbacks in obtaining our treadmill from the UK, but in December 2020 we finally received and were able to install the treadmill and begin treating our local furry friends.

We opened our doors and began operation in February 2021 and haven’t looked back since.

Beginning and operating our small business throughout the pandemic has been a whirlwind process, but the faces of our clients and the dedication towards recovery from their owners, keep us going and remind us every day how much we love every one of them. After due time, our clients recover and gain their strength back, which helps them lead a healthy and full life. The hardest part of recovery for us every time, is the goodbyes.

We love to follow our clients on social media so we can check in on how they are, as we miss each one of them dearly.

our team

Natalie Carter
Hydrotherapist/Vet Nurse

Assistant Manager

Clinic Cat