About Hydrotherapy

“The cure for anything is a nice warm hug from the essence of life…. water”

Hydrotherapy is a type of physical therapy for dogs that uses water to aid in rehabilitation and promote healing. It can take different forms such as swimming, walking or running on an underwater treadmill, and water resistance exercises. The buoyancy of the water helps to reduce the weight-bearing load on the dog's joints, making it easier and less painful for them to move. This therapy can help improve a dog's strength, flexibility, and range of motion, and can also provide mental stimulation and reduce anxiety.

Hydrotherapy is supervised by a trained professional and can be a valuable part of a comprehensive treatment plan for many canine conditions, including arthritis, joint dysplasia, spinal cord injuries, and obesity.

The primary benefits of dog hydrotherapy are:

  1. Reduced weight-bearing load on joints: The buoyancy of water reduces the weight-bearing load on the dog's joints, making it easier for them to move and exercise without pain or further injury.

  2. Increased strength and flexibility: Hydrotherapy exercises can help to build muscle and increase flexibility in the dog's joints, leading to improved mobility.

  3. Improved cardiovascular health: Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can help improve the dog's cardiovascular health and increase endurance.

  4. Faster healing and recovery: Hydrotherapy can help to speed up the healing and recovery process by promoting circulation and reducing inflammation.

  5. Mental stimulation and stress reduction: Hydrotherapy can provide mental stimulation and reduce stress and anxiety for dogs, especially if they are recovering from a traumatic injury or surgery.

Overall, dog hydrotherapy can be an effective and safe way to help dogs recover from injuries, improve their mobility, and enhance their overall quality of life.

Hydrotherapy can assist with the following conditions:

  • Fracture Repair

  • Medial Shoulder Instability (surgical or conservative management)

  • Weight Loss Management

  • Elbow dysplasia (surgical or conservative management)

  • Spinal Surgery (cervical, thoracic and Lumbar)

  • Conservative management of ACL

  • Stifle surgery

  • Conservative management of MPL

  • Femoral head and neck excision

  • Total hip replacement

  • FCE (Fibrocartilaginous Embolism)

  • Degenerative Myelopathy

  • Polyradiculenuritis

  • General Arthritis

  • Hip Dysplasia

  • Amputees

  • Muscle Strengthening