• This is the most common question asked, and we rarely have a pet that is in distress by the water once they are on the treadmill.

    The underwater treadmill slowly fills up with water from the bottom of the tank and helps prevent your pup's fear of being fully submerged in water.
    Once they feel the warmth and relaxation of the water, along with treats, it practically turns into a spa bath!

  • Absolutely!
    We encourage the owners to stay for the session as it helps the dog to remain calm and you are great motivation for them.
    If dogs are food motivated, we will even have you help to reward them with treats in between sets to keep your pooch happy.

  • We recommend that if there is any favourite treat or toy your pooch might love, bring it along for encouragement. (We have toys and treats on-site, but sometimes our clients prefer their own).

    We also recommend bringing a towel for the car ride home as sometimes your pooch might still be a little wet after their session.
    Your pup will get a dry down after they are finished but can still be a little damp afterward.

  • We take the rehabilitation of your dog seriously, and as such we want to make sure your furry friend is in the healthiest form possible before we start.
    That is why we require that your dog has been checked over and given the ok to commence hydrotherapy from your Veterinarian/Specialist.

  • This depends on your dog's level of fitness and condition. In the early stages of treatment, we recommend once or twice a week. This may reduce to fortnightly sessions, as the response to hydrotherapy improves.

  • Water quality sanitisers are used in most human swimming pools because it is the most effective method of ensuring the water is free from bacteria.

    At Dog House Hydro, we use chlorine and bromine safely just as canine hydrotherapy pools have for many years, and our hydrotherapist is fully trained in water management.